Sunday, December 5, 2010

Magik Ramadhan...

Ramadhan 1431H....I would called it a MAGIK RAMADHAN.

The first test was on the pagi Raya itself, kat PJ. It was a the best pagi Raya I had in my life...and the wifey too :)

Tapi kitaorang rilek dulu. Don't wanna be too excited and all. Give it a few more days and check again.

The second test was taken in Ipoh on the 3rd Syawal in Sun Inn Hotel...and below are the results:

Kalo korang tengok kat screen test kit Clearblue tuh...its says 3+...meaning the fetus is already more than weeks old. In our case, we calculated it already in the 5th weeks. So, the 'merging' was done sometime in bulan puasa...hehe.

Next step...confirmkan ngan doctor lak. That will be in the next post.

Anyway, to conclude this post...we are amat bersyukur and at the same time happy for the chance given by Him. Insya-Allah everything will be smooth and we'll take good care of the 'junior'...

Like I said earlier...Ramadhan MAGIKA!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Story Begins...

This is a story of the journey of a couple having their 1st experience for the whole 9 months (Insya-Allah)...

I will try to capture and re-capture and update each event throughout the preggy journey...

The blog will be in English and Malay...depending on my mood. Most probably it will be rojak!!

Till the next post.
